What We Do

Our Focus

Assisting individuals to live richer, fuller lives through the healing interaction with equines.


Our Programs


Short and long-term boarding available. Winter-board your horse with us.
Want to ride indoors during the winter? Use our Coverall arena (126 x 72) with natural light. 
Also offering 120 x 220 outdoor arena and 70' round pen.

Options for boarding: Private 50x20 run with shelter and automatic waterer, and pasture turn-out (4 days/week) ($450). Blanketing assistance ($40) and Owner-supplied grain, supplements, medications fed by stable ($30).
Pasture boarding (including automatic waterer and shared shelter available) with a friendly herd ($375). Supplemental hay 2x/day once pasture grass is gone.  

Therapeutic Riding (TR) 

Individuals with physical or emotional challenges may benefit from the unique relationship formed with the horse. Riding a horse moves the rider's body in a manner similar to a human gait, so riders with physical needs often show improvement in flexibility, balance and muscle strength. Those with emotional challenges often develop increased confidence, patience and self-esteem.     

Adaptive Horsemanship and Therapeutic Riding

Students in this program follow the standard horsemanship/riding lesson program with consideration for their respective disabilities.

Wheel-Along Horsemanship

Designed for individuals needing wheelchair assistance for mobility.
Learn horsemanship skills from your wheelchair or motorized scooter. Work on life skills demonstrated by your interactions with the equine. Understanding of how you present yourself to others. Experience grooming, leading, round pen work!

Equine Assisted Learning (EAL)

An educational approach to facilitate growth and development of life skills through equine interactions. Develops strong work ethic, self-esteem, self-confidence; better understanding of our non-verbal communication and enhances self-awareness.

Lessons for all of the above programs may be mounted or working with the equine on the ground, depending upon the type of disability and therapy/assistance needed.

School Field Trips

Students come to participate in a variety of activities such as horseback riding, grooming, leading, ground work, ground driving, tack care, stall maintenance (mucking), anatomy (horse parts), horse behavior.
This program is tailored to the age of the students and goals of the school. It can be as simple as a fun outing, or designed to enhance and teach life skills.  
Our students really enjoy getting “down and dirty” while learning about and handling horses!  

Outreach Program - School Visits

This educational program combines horses, tack, and children.  
Following an age-tailored presentation and Q&A session, the students get to meet the horses, and handle saddles and bridles.
This is a very popular program for preschoolers and elementary school students.  
Many of them have never had the opportunity to be “up close and personal” with a horse!

Senior Citizen Programs - 
Senior Visitis

A fabulous outing for seniors of all abilities. 
Senior Centers and similar facilities bring groups of senior citizens to our facility for one-on-one time with our horses. Grooming and Leading are popular activities.

Outreach Program -Nursing Home Visits

We bring horses to nursing homes for the enjoyment of the residents! 
Our equines are not fazed by a “herd” of wheelchairs and walkers.  
The residents tell us wonderful stories about when they were (much) younger and their interactions with horses.
After one particular visit, we were told about a resident who had not been very lucid for a while. Following our visit he happily told his family about the horses!

Riding Lessons

Riding lessons should be more than just getting up on a horse. Our goal is to create a complete horsemanship experience for the student.
We teach horse psychology; correct handling, leading, and grooming; caring for your horse before and after the lesson; proper saddling and tack fitting. Sometimes we incorporate math and vocabulary depending upon the skills being taught at that moment.

Polite and respectful behavior toward volunteers, instructors, family members, and of course, the horse, is a standard here.
The students catch, groom, tack up, and warm up their horse before riding. After the riding lesson, they will reverse the process with cooling down the horse, un-tacking, and putting both gear and horse away.
Our focus is safety for the student and horse, and to have fun while learning. 

Special Features 

  • Students range from age 4 through adult (80+!).
  • We work with beginners through intermediate level riders.
  • Helping people re-enter the horse world after time off is a specialty, as well as problem solving (with you and your horse).     
  •  In our riding lessons, we include many of our therapeutic riding students with our traditional students, thereby not making distinctions based upon abilities or special needs.       




Participants will learn how to help their horse on the ground and under saddle.
Develop skills for balance, athleticism, cooperation.
Learn about your horse’s intelligence, trainability, and performance ability.


Join us for an adventure in learning the language of the horse.
Experience unity with the horse through groundwork and beginning riding exercises.
Develop a new understanding and respect for the horse and how he can respond to you.


Traditional Spanish groundwork. May include a variety of the following:
  • Basics such as ground-tying, flexibility, willingness.
  • Respect issues and how to gain your horse’s respect.
  • Spatial awareness and communication with your horse.
  • Lungeing for mental control and to help develop your horse’s balance.

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